Thursday, October 3, 2013

Who needs fans when they have pants like these?!!!!

Facebook...the new Myspace, but not quite, cause you can't have your own little list of music that expresses your feelings, and you can't put up explicit pictures of ladies right there on your profile page. However, both Facebook and Myspace are great tools to connect with friends, family, fellow workers, and pedophiles. Well, now that Mark Zuckerberg no longer owns Facebook, there have been a lot of changes. One of which is that companies use it for marketing. They have their own little company pages that provide lots of things to suck you in and prevent from your blog post getting done before its due date. 

Some of the company blog pages that I happen to be a fan of myself are:
  • Dan's Comp, the place to go for everything and anything BMX. They suck you in with their "About Me" section by explaining their commitment to customer service and providing a number to contact a real person to answer your real questions. They also use Facebook for exclusive giveaways to people who 'share' and 'like' their posts. However, my favorite aspect is their free catalog you can sign up for, either on line or via phone call. It gives you bright, colorful pictures of all the merchandise, so you can see what you're getting.
  • GUESS, on brand that combines sexy, expensive and Adventure into one line of apparel and accessories. The first thing I fell in absolute Facebook love with on the Guess page was there life evens line. It is pretty thuro from start of the company to now. It was really cool being able to see everything a company has done all on one time line. Also they provide LOTS of links to there many online pages and websites. Along with all that great stuff they have lots of pretty people showing off there products in situations that really embrace the company's culture of young, sexy, and adventurous.
  • Doc Johnson, a place for people 18 and over. This Facebook page is full of great things to pull you in from bright colorful pictures of there merchandise (witch is good cause who wants to guess what a sex toy is going to look or be like?) to information about stores opening up with great deals going on. They also have contests to win some of there merchandise, along with pictures of pretty people witch to me is always a win. Moreover they have lots of tips and tricks for the bedroom you can share and like, to become a sexpert. 

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