Friday, October 4, 2013

Make it big like Broadway!.... Jazz hands...Spirit fingers...

So lets talk about the age old print ad. Its been out there since 1704 when they were seeking a buyer for an estate in Long Island. So why, if it is so old, do we still choose to use it? Thats easy... cause they work. You're sitting in a waiting room, coffee shop, police station, etc., and no one is texting you. What do you do? You pick up a magazine or newspaper and start page flipping for something shiny enough to draw in your attention. The part of this temperary entertainment you might not think about are what ads you choose to be subjected to by your magazine selection? You see that is the beginning of the ad's adventure. One must pick the correct magazine category to get to the people who are most likely to buy their products. So you pick up a Sports Illustrated, which is a consumer magazine. The ad producer's target market is not going to soon be moms, it will be men and sports fanatics. So now we move on to where you are. Because Sports Illustrated is a national magazine, the ad will not be for something specifically in Plover, WI, because anyone who reads this that is not in WI will lose interest in the product and ad unless they are a fanatic for the product or brand being advertised. Now for size... because this is a male directed magazine, size will matter. The bigger and more colorful the more attention it will draw.

Now for the fun part, where I get to show you slightly naughty pictures and answer questions for class....

Answer the following questions as if you are the media planner for the ad you selected:
1. Who do you think the advertiser wants to reach?
  • The advertiser wants to reach a large number of people due to the fact this ad was placed in a nationaly distributed magazine that sells thousands of copies, especially since this copy was the yearly swimsuit edition.
2. Why did they use print?
  • Because its easier to hide from their wife than their browser history. But on a more serious note, this magazine will sit in an office, bathroom, library, what have you, for a minimum of a month, which will make it so the reader has more time to appreciate the lady... and ad.
3. What are the brand objectives?
  • This brand's objective is to draw you in with sexy and seal the deal with an iPhone app. Hell, if I had the money, I would buy a Lexus after seeing this ad.
4. Why did they specifically select the publication selected?
  • This ad goes along with the theme of this magazine and also has the sex appeal that will draw in a majority of the readers of this publication. This is why they specifically selected this publication.

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