Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The boob tube.... the idiot box... how I learned to stop worrying and love my couch...

Radio... not just for farmers and foundry workers. My homework was to watch a couple of hours of TV.... How sick is that?!?! Well its awesome if you don't use your TV to fall asleep like I do. So it ended up being a bit harder than anticipated. However I did it and it was a success. If you consider sitting in front of a television for a few hours watching late night Adult Swim a success.

So for starters if you have never watched Adult Swim before, don't watch it at 2:00 pm on a Friday. It will mess with your head in ways you can't imagine. The first thing I noticed was the lack of commercials. There where some but not as many as when the network is still considered Cartoon Network. A good majority of the commercials were for the things provided by the Adult Swim network, such as games for your smart phone and DVD sets of the shows. However I was surprised to see two kids targeted adds. One was for Playdou and the other was for kids eat free at Denny's. I don't understand why they would advertise things like this at this time of night but all I do know is it made me hungry. Also because some of the shows were only fifteen minutes long there was not much of a difference between commercials aired in the show or between the shows. Furthermore I have come to the conclusion that Cartoon Network takes advantage of there late night television to advertise there adult based items and programs because during the day it is all geared t words kids, so the people watching it at night might not know of some of the nifty things they have to offer.

Video killed the radio star and mp3 killed MTV. However 9.67 killed me. I kinda hate my teacher for this part of the homework, because I am a VERY PICKY person and don't like to mix up what works well for me. So when I read 'listen to some radio stations that you wouldn't normally consider listening to.' my heart sank just a bit. However I did it and I never EVER EVER want to go thru that again. Unless it means not having the Sriracha plant shut down. Than I would do it all day every day.... for more info on that go to this. (
After enduring probably the worst noise in the history of time I wanted to be the wreaking ball to tear down the radio station that plays the God awful sounds of intolerable pop crap. I was rather relieved when the real commercials came on. What I mean by real commercials is that a huge present of the adds were testimonials from listeners of the 'NEW' 9.67. I guess that means that either the station changed or didn't exist before. Either way it was just high school kids who felt the need to talk trash about the other pop station that plays the same trash. The product adds I heard were rather stupid but because they were very irritating I listened all the way thru witch I guess means it worked. They were for Jim Kryshak Jewelers and Wisconsin job The only trend other than really bad voice actors was a majority of the adds were for local things. The only ad that was for something national was a McDonald's mighty( more like nasty) wings. Seeing as I don't listen to anything but satellite radio any other time I can't tell if this is different from normal commercials.
Country music really drove me crazy... I killed Jonbenay Ramsy

Friday, October 4, 2013

Make it big like Broadway!.... Jazz hands...Spirit fingers...

So lets talk about the age old print ad. Its been out there since 1704 when they were seeking a buyer for an estate in Long Island. So why, if it is so old, do we still choose to use it? Thats easy... cause they work. You're sitting in a waiting room, coffee shop, police station, etc., and no one is texting you. What do you do? You pick up a magazine or newspaper and start page flipping for something shiny enough to draw in your attention. The part of this temperary entertainment you might not think about are what ads you choose to be subjected to by your magazine selection? You see that is the beginning of the ad's adventure. One must pick the correct magazine category to get to the people who are most likely to buy their products. So you pick up a Sports Illustrated, which is a consumer magazine. The ad producer's target market is not going to soon be moms, it will be men and sports fanatics. So now we move on to where you are. Because Sports Illustrated is a national magazine, the ad will not be for something specifically in Plover, WI, because anyone who reads this that is not in WI will lose interest in the product and ad unless they are a fanatic for the product or brand being advertised. Now for size... because this is a male directed magazine, size will matter. The bigger and more colorful the more attention it will draw.

Now for the fun part, where I get to show you slightly naughty pictures and answer questions for class....

Answer the following questions as if you are the media planner for the ad you selected:
1. Who do you think the advertiser wants to reach?
  • The advertiser wants to reach a large number of people due to the fact this ad was placed in a nationaly distributed magazine that sells thousands of copies, especially since this copy was the yearly swimsuit edition.
2. Why did they use print?
  • Because its easier to hide from their wife than their browser history. But on a more serious note, this magazine will sit in an office, bathroom, library, what have you, for a minimum of a month, which will make it so the reader has more time to appreciate the lady... and ad.
3. What are the brand objectives?
  • This brand's objective is to draw you in with sexy and seal the deal with an iPhone app. Hell, if I had the money, I would buy a Lexus after seeing this ad.
4. Why did they specifically select the publication selected?
  • This ad goes along with the theme of this magazine and also has the sex appeal that will draw in a majority of the readers of this publication. This is why they specifically selected this publication.

Thursday, October 3, 2013


" X-Scream magazine is a fictitious magazine which is dedicated to extreme sports of all kinds. The company would like to dedicate some of its advertising budget to banner ads."

This is what I need to work with people. . . For starters, I would go with websites that would go along with sports that are on the extreme side. Like REI - one of the coolest outdoors stores out there. They sell everything you would need for pretty much every sociably acceptable extreme sport out there, along with having huge climbing walls in there stores and instructors to educate you with their products. So naturally this site would fit well with the X-Scream magazines niche. Also, Shaun White's website would be another great place for a banner ad. Because well its Shaun White and he can do ANYTHING EXTREME... and he is gorgeous... and also because he is a well known extreme sports star. 

I have provided a banner ad that I feel would draw people in and spark their interest to subscribe to this magazine. I feel that making the banner ad "edgy" would cater to the extreme sports demographic and draw them in to "click" on the banner and redirect them to the X-Scream website.

Who needs fans when they have pants like these?!!!!

Facebook...the new Myspace, but not quite, cause you can't have your own little list of music that expresses your feelings, and you can't put up explicit pictures of ladies right there on your profile page. However, both Facebook and Myspace are great tools to connect with friends, family, fellow workers, and pedophiles. Well, now that Mark Zuckerberg no longer owns Facebook, there have been a lot of changes. One of which is that companies use it for marketing. They have their own little company pages that provide lots of things to suck you in and prevent from your blog post getting done before its due date. 

Some of the company blog pages that I happen to be a fan of myself are:
  • Dan's Comp, the place to go for everything and anything BMX. They suck you in with their "About Me" section by explaining their commitment to customer service and providing a number to contact a real person to answer your real questions. They also use Facebook for exclusive giveaways to people who 'share' and 'like' their posts. However, my favorite aspect is their free catalog you can sign up for, either on line or via phone call. It gives you bright, colorful pictures of all the merchandise, so you can see what you're getting.
  • GUESS, on brand that combines sexy, expensive and Adventure into one line of apparel and accessories. The first thing I fell in absolute Facebook love with on the Guess page was there life evens line. It is pretty thuro from start of the company to now. It was really cool being able to see everything a company has done all on one time line. Also they provide LOTS of links to there many online pages and websites. Along with all that great stuff they have lots of pretty people showing off there products in situations that really embrace the company's culture of young, sexy, and adventurous.
  • Doc Johnson, a place for people 18 and over. This Facebook page is full of great things to pull you in from bright colorful pictures of there merchandise (witch is good cause who wants to guess what a sex toy is going to look or be like?) to information about stores opening up with great deals going on. They also have contests to win some of there merchandise, along with pictures of pretty people witch to me is always a win. Moreover they have lots of tips and tricks for the bedroom you can share and like, to become a sexpert.