Thursday, September 12, 2013

Something for the Mama's and the Papa's... if you know what I mean

Oh, the wonders of a print ad. They come in all shapes and sizes and have all sorts of ways to draw you in. Such as their subject of visual focus. The subject of visual focus is what determines how the big idea is executed.

This, for example, is provocative ad that uses a negative appeal for its visual focus. This is done so by pointing out what will happen if you don't use the product. So remember your BJ's this holiday season.

This ad went with the user benefit focus. It illustrates how the products will benefit you when used. The ad shows how the anti-aging cream has helped this lady stay ugly for years.

This is a personal favorite of mine, and not just because there are pretty people to look at. This ad is using product in use focus. This ad is showing how the view finder on the camera will auto find all the faces when it’s focusing. Also, did you notice the creep in the room? Freaky!

Now, I am assuming after all these great examples, you (the reader) are now an expert in the subject of visual focus. So go out and find some fun ones and blog about it or something.


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