Thursday, September 19, 2013

Picture this...

Art Type!!!
Ad creation and layout are not just picking a visual focus point and calling it good. Oh no, its much more than that. In this blog post we cover.... wait for it...Art Type!!! Everyone in the crowd gets a new car. (But not really cause I am not Oprah)

So we will cover Line Art (Any artwork or type that is comprised of a solid color, such as black), Halftones (dots merge to give an illusion of continuous tone to the naked eye....your eye is a pervert and should put some damn pants on), and Four Color (all colors being printed by combining the three primary yellow, magenta, and cyan with black.)

This ad is a simple line art. It works because you can understand the image and the random reverse pervert image as well, and unless your looking for the dirty image, it does not take away from the information provided by the ad.

 Oh how I love Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit... any way this ad used the halftone approach to getting the "oh so gorgeous" Catwoman on it's ad without having to waste all the ink on her black leather suit. It's great because comics sometimes use halftones in their art so this ad is, if anything, using this.

This ad is not only crude and funny but also uses the four colors to create the image. The full spectrum of color is good for this ad so the box of tampons will be discernible at the store. Also with the skin of the people it adds more of a sex appeal than black and white would, which gets men to want read it.

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