Thursday, September 19, 2013

CarPlate DinnerYum!

I am a CIT(Chef In Training) at Christian's Bistro in Plover WI, and it is the best job in the world! I love my coworkers, the businesses mission, how much we support our community and my amazing boss, who pushes me to do my best and enjoy life one plate at a time. The only thing I don't like about it is that now that I am back in school and I can't work nearly as much as I would like to. I can remember this summer, it didn't matter what I felt like when I woke up or how drama filled my life was or how I didn't have money to pay the bills, cause as soon as I walked in the back door and saw Chef nothing but the Bistro mattered. I was able to drop everything and make amazing food that people enjoyed eating.

The best thing about food is that it does not care. You can be poor, Black, sad, Jewish, racist, mean, short, gay, republican and guess what? The food won't cook any differently if you're any of these. I can be me and make it into my form of art and it will almost always turn out perfect... unless I forget to set a timer and burn the sin out of it... than its no bueno.

Picture this...

Art Type!!!
Ad creation and layout are not just picking a visual focus point and calling it good. Oh no, its much more than that. In this blog post we cover.... wait for it...Art Type!!! Everyone in the crowd gets a new car. (But not really cause I am not Oprah)

So we will cover Line Art (Any artwork or type that is comprised of a solid color, such as black), Halftones (dots merge to give an illusion of continuous tone to the naked eye....your eye is a pervert and should put some damn pants on), and Four Color (all colors being printed by combining the three primary yellow, magenta, and cyan with black.)

This ad is a simple line art. It works because you can understand the image and the random reverse pervert image as well, and unless your looking for the dirty image, it does not take away from the information provided by the ad.

 Oh how I love Halle Berry in her Catwoman suit... any way this ad used the halftone approach to getting the "oh so gorgeous" Catwoman on it's ad without having to waste all the ink on her black leather suit. It's great because comics sometimes use halftones in their art so this ad is, if anything, using this.

This ad is not only crude and funny but also uses the four colors to create the image. The full spectrum of color is good for this ad so the box of tampons will be discernible at the store. Also with the skin of the people it adds more of a sex appeal than black and white would, which gets men to want read it.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Something for the Mama's and the Papa's... if you know what I mean

Oh, the wonders of a print ad. They come in all shapes and sizes and have all sorts of ways to draw you in. Such as their subject of visual focus. The subject of visual focus is what determines how the big idea is executed.

This, for example, is provocative ad that uses a negative appeal for its visual focus. This is done so by pointing out what will happen if you don't use the product. So remember your BJ's this holiday season.

This ad went with the user benefit focus. It illustrates how the products will benefit you when used. The ad shows how the anti-aging cream has helped this lady stay ugly for years.

This is a personal favorite of mine, and not just because there are pretty people to look at. This ad is using product in use focus. This ad is showing how the view finder on the camera will auto find all the faces when it’s focusing. Also, did you notice the creep in the room? Freaky!

Now, I am assuming after all these great examples, you (the reader) are now an expert in the subject of visual focus. So go out and find some fun ones and blog about it or something.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Its not just wrong its stupid!

Really Georgia... really??!?!? First you steal our peaches but now our perverts too?
All joking aside, this is a great example of a newspaper headline that I don't think is very effective. First off, it has sexual innuendo... for boner, whilst talking about sex offenders. It’s funny for something like the tabloids but it’s totally offensive, which takes away from the fact, that it is stating a fact. This will turn the reader away with a bad taste in their mouth and a bad image of your paper. I will admit that it has a wow factor that may draw some attention, but I don't think a local newspaper wants that kind of attention. I would have went with something along the lines of 'Sex Offenders Resort to Woods for Residence.' in the News classification of headlines (because it’s informative and factual) or 'There are Sex Offender Bears in Them Woods' (because it’s Georgia and acceptably provocative) if you're still trying to be somewhat crude.