Thursday, December 12, 2013

Will work for food!

In today's economy finding a job is rough, but being interesting enough for a person to pick you over food stamps is even harder. The job has to sound more appealing than farmvil and Mob Wives, and most importantly it should not sound like work. Also because of the inevitable idiocrazcy that America is facing try to make it big like ALL CAPS, and always post copious amounts of money even if its irrelevant, because if its not caps they won't read it. I say all of this in light of the assignment I was given for class. Read below...

"For Chapter 17, your blog post will relate to recruitment advertisements.  Every company wants the best and brightest employees.  Look in local newspapers as well as recruitment ads at, and and evaluate them. Provide 2 examples of ads which seem to be the most effective.  What makes them superior to the others?  Remember, design is not purely about aesthetic appeal.  It's important to realize and connect with what is most effective and compelling about an advertisement’s ability to attract potential employees. For example, do certain words, graphics, or colors attract readers more effectively?  Provide specific examples in your post."

For my first contender I was attracted by 'ASSISTANT STORE MANAGER – retail / customer service / sales'. This one I chose because it was the second one on the list of jobs and it was ALL CAPS! So naturally I was drawn to it like a bug being attracted to a bug light. Both soon regretting their decisions. Upon opening the like to this job I immediately was borde. The company was Cash Store. The only graphics on the page were a small logo for the company. LAME. However if you do contenu to read you find out that it is a enthusiastic and motivated team of financial service professionals. All of this sounds good and fun. The most compelling part of the whole post is how they break down the pay and all the ways you can and or will get payed more.Along with a large list of benefits that all sound appealing. Over all the add didn't have a huge wow factor but after a bit of reading did sound like an okay job, 

Next to follow it 'Sales Representative - Central Wisconsin - Up to $80,000 per year'. I was taken by this one for the pure reason that I am a sales person. I love to do it, am good at it, and if its something I believe in I almost never miss a sale. ULINE shipping company's graphic included a divers set of individuals all happy and easy on the eye under the name of the company. Already I am like 'yeah I could work there.' This page was set up much more professionally than the previous one. Good amounts of spacing, good usage of font size and caps locks. Also the headers and descriptions were all very easy to understand. The thing that stood out the most was the benefits because it s mentions toishion reimbursement, and seeing as I am a broke college student in this field I was enjoying the thought of not having to pay my student debt off alone.  However yet again there were not many things other than the actual benefits that were overly attention getting.