Friday, November 22, 2013

Bill the Board

1. Are the creative executions eye-catching? Why or why not?
Yes, because the first thing you see on the billboard is a burger. Even if you don't eat meat, you understand that there is food ready to eat only 7 miles ahead.

2. Can you comprehend the messages in a few seconds? 
Yes. There isn't much to read on this billboard. Just the restaurant and it's location.

3. Where are the advertisements located?  Are they in good locations for what they are selling and to whom?  Why or why not?
They are located on a highway, and since many travelers may be on the road for many hours, this is a good way to reach them and let them know that there are refreshments nearby.

1. Are the creative executions eye-catching? Why or why not?
Yes, you see the well dressed middle aged woman who is easy on the eyes and that draws in your attention.

2. Can you comprehend the messages in a few seconds? 
After seeing the women your eyes go to the name of the college and than the word college right under that so you understand what it is and it makes you think that because of the said college. 

3. Where are the advertisements located?  Are they in good locations for what they are selling and to whom?  Why or why not?
This advertisement is located on a highway in the direction of the college, witch is fitting because you are going in the direction of the college that is being advertised. 

1. Are the creative executions eye-catching? Why or why not?
Neither of these adds are creative or eye catching, because the colors of the sky and trees you loose what they are advertising. 

2. Can you comprehend the messages in a few seconds? 
I couldn't because there was a lot going on in both advertisements and once I did I was past already past the boards and could not look for the exit. 

3. Where are the advertisements located?  Are they in good locations for what they are selling and to whom?  Why or why not?
They are also on the highway. I don't know where the exits for either of the locations are and I still don't know what the bill boards where for.