Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today is a day that the Lord...Buddha...Zeus....The big bang.... has made.

Tis my first post on the new blog, so let’s get this started off right. . .

Put your hands where I can see them, no fast moments  and for the love of Febreze, fart in the other room. (This is for you, the reader, to do)

Now that I have gotten the rules out of the way, I can let you in on some nifty info about myself. I work at Starbucks as a Barista and its cool or whatever. It helps me keep up on my hipster appearance.

Cochon de lait

<---- This is me at my other fabulous job, smoking a baby pig (So tasty). I have the honor of working for Christians Bistro in Plover. This job is pretty much the greatest thing to happen to me in my adult life. I hope everyone can find a job they love as much as I do. 


Hand crafted pasta!
Now some facts about me and cooking (top 10 style):

10. I have not always been into cooking. In fact I wanted to be an actress before I started cooking. 

9. My grandma Martha came off the boat from Lithuania and brought with her a lot of their funky flavor pairings that I use in my cooking. I.E. my lemon, almond, raspberry cake.

8. Eating is my favorite activity to do after cooking.

7. I like pepper on my ketchup.

6. Nutella is good on almost everything.

5. I have cut and burnt my arms and hands so much at work that I look like a domestic abuse victim.

4. Shellfish are my kryptonite.

3. I will avoid dishes to a point of just eating off the lids of my pots and pans at home.

2. If the food is super amazing I make my dog (Speckles) a small plate

1. Sriracha!!!!!! (My brothers Blog)

So here are some other random things I find important.

I love being active...
Devils Head WI
Things such as snowboarding, rock climbing, shooting, biking, taking my dog/life partner on amazing adventures, traveling and eating.

Speckles Marie Fluff N Stuff
I have two sisters, and have lived all over the US. Some of my future goals are to get my marketing degree, have my own food truck, go to culinary school, and do a lot of traveling.
My sisters and I in SD.